Our mission is to end the mental health crisis and give all Americans a fair shot at the pursuit of happiness.
The Good Life Movement (GLM) is taking on the mental health crisis by creating a public movement 100% dedicated to interests of the people — not trade groups, associations, or corporations.
We're like the people's watchdog and muscle for mental health. We bring awareness to what's happening then influence legislation with advocacy.
Americans Have
an Illness
Rates of Depression
More Deaths
from Drug Overdose
Leading Cause
of Death is Suicide
Increase in
Youth Suicide
Americans Have
an Illness
Rates of Depression
More Deaths
from Drug Overdose
Leading Cause
of Death is Suicide
Increase in
Youth Suicide
Americans Have
an Illness
Rates of Depression
More Deaths
from Drug Overdose
Leading Cause
of Death is Suicide
Increase in
Youth Suicide
Of Counties Have
No Child Psychiatrist
Cause of Years
Lost to Disability
Veteran Deaths by
Suicide vs. Combat
More Patients in
Jails vs. State Hospitals
Of Americans
Are Lonely
Of Counties Have
No Child Psychiatrist
Cause of Years
Lost to Disability
Veteran Deaths by
Suicide vs. Combat
More Patients in
Jails vs. State Hospitals
Of Americans
Are Lonely
Of Counties Have
No Child Psychiatrist
Cause of Years
Lost to Disability
Veteran Deaths by
Suicide vs. Combat
More Patients in
Jails vs. State Hospitals
Of Americans
Are Lonely
Likelihood of Minority
Groups to be Denied Care
Rates of Attempted
Suicide LGBTQ Youth
of youth feel
persistent sadness
of police time is spent
on mental health calls
of americans say
their job is meaningless
Likelihood of Minority
Groups to be Denied Care
Rates of Attempted
Suicide LGBTQ Youth
of youth feel
persistent sadness
of police time is spent
on mental health calls
of americans say
their job is meaningless
Likelihood of Minority
Groups to be Denied Care
Rates of Attempted
Suicide LGBTQ Youth
of youth feel
persistent sadness
of police time is spent
on mental health calls
of americans say
their job is meaningless
The mental health crisis is like a house is on fire — and with mental health care the way it is, it's like we've never built the fire department. To put out the fires, we must act immediately to build a crisis system and a real care system that people can access affordably.
We have a mental health crisis because we have created a society that fundamentally makes people sick. Fixing the care system and improving treatment is the essential first step, we must begin to look at the world outside of health care.
In the world outside of health care, it's clear we have gone wrong. We follow economic measures off a cliff while people are increasingly separated from the human essentials such as family, community, meaning, faith, and nature.
To end this crisis, we must revalue our humanity and create a world where everyone has a fair shot at the pursuit of happiness.
Build the Fire Department
Prevent Fires
Despite unprecedented support, mental health remains one of the most institutionally under supported causes in society. Yet our leaders have not taken major action.
Where is the urgency?
"Mental Health is the most neglected health issue on earth."
The World Health Organization (WHO)
We must organize into a group and make phone calls establishing mental health as a top priority. Only then will Congress act with urgency.
We are building to mobilize. Sign up to help us build and make calls.
take actionOur Founder Andrew Frawley joins Andrew Yang's podcast to discuss The Good Life Movement.
I’m pleased to announce that in January we added our first official advisor, Dr. Tom Insel.