Our movement is just beginning. Help us build and make it real.
This is a grassroots movement and we can't do it without you. We aren't funded by major corporations or billionaires. This is people fighting for a common sense cause that unites us all.
Please sign up or consider supporting us in one of the other ways below. Everything helps.
The Discord is an informal digital forum and discussion board. This is where supporters will gather to co-create.
join discordOur mission relies on grassroots efforts and volunteers. Help with design, marketing, research, and more.
Explore rolesOur goal is to write 10,000 letters to Congress this Summer. Help make mental health a priority.
Write to CongressIf you run a business, non-profit, are a community leader or artist and want to help; contact us. We are building a formal coalition, working groups, fundraisers, and aim to lead on cultural events.
Email us at Hello@GoodLifeMovement.Org